Here's my first pieces of web art for People before Lawyers. Place them on your web page and have it be a link back to my web page. This will help put the People before Lawyers message in front of as many people as we possibly can. This works just like your free speech ribbons. To download this art using Netscape or Internet Explorer just right click on the image and select "Save As" and save the file to your local drive. Then upload it to your home page and link it to People Before Lawyers. Here's how you do that:
<A href="index.htm>" <IMG src="pbl.gif" align=right vspace=3 hspace=5 border=3 alt="People before Lawyers"></A>The reason this is important is that this message needs to be everywhere on the web. By everywhere I don't mean on every sight or every page. What I mean is that in the course of surfing that the average person sees People before Lawyers often enough to know what it is. The link takes them to my site where they can learn why they need to get involved and what they can do to make a difference.
Thanks to Fred Burke,
the first hero of this revolution, I now have the People before
Lawyers Artwork. Fred is a genius web designer and artist and did a
fantastic job and I highly recommend his work. I am also going to
recommend him for sainthood the next time I see the Pope and am giving
him an honorable mention in my will.
If however anyone else has more art they would like to contribute, send
it to me. The more good ideas the better. There's never enough good
Alternatively, you can download my web pages to your site and link to
pages on your own site. If you do this you should download my pages
regulary as they change. I need some people to do this in case they shut
me down or put me in jail, this information must survive.
Bumper Stickers on Cars
Not everyone surfs the web (believe it or not). We need to reach beyond the web and get the message out on the back bumpers of cars going down the street. I've had this bumper sticker designed and I'm buying 5000 of them to pass out here in Springfield Missouri. They cost my about 18 cents each. I plan to distribute these for free in my area. What I want you to do is get some bumper stickers like I am doing and distribute them for free in your area. There's a number of options on how to do this.
Where do you pass these bumper stickers out? Everywhere people gather. I
haven't got mine yet but I plan to put them in places where people
congregate. The free racks in grocery stores where the other free
literature sits. Political events are good. Businesses that have a lot
of traffic. County fairs. If you find good places, tell me about it.
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