Where the Candidates for President Stand on the Issues
Here is a simple table on the issues and where Bill Clinton and Bob Dole
stand on many issues affecting the voters decision and the future of the
country. In this table I'm attempting to keep the issues simple so the
voter at a glance can see where the candidates stand. I invite
suggestions and response to make this voters guide more complete. In
this table I call 'em like I see 'em. So if a candidate says one thing
and does another, I rate them on what they do, not what they say.
The opinions in this tables are my own. However, I'm a very smart guy and I am usually right. So if you don't agree with me, it is very likely that I'm right and you're wrong and you should reexamine the issues.
Issue: | Clinton: | Dole: |
Age | 50 | 73 |
Years in Federal Government | 4 | 35 |
Number of Marriages | 1 | 2 |
Number of Children | 1 | 1 |
Home State | Arkansas | Kansas |
Present Residence | White House | Watergate Hotel |
Religion | Baptist | Methodist |
Election Fraud Fines | $0 | $100,000 |
Balancing the Federal Budget | For | Against |
Balanced Budget Amendment | Against | For |
Tax Cuts | Middle Class | Rich |
Raise Taxes | Rich | Middle Class |
NAFTA | For | For |
GATT | For | For |
Capital Gains Tax Cut | Against | For |
Trade with China | For | For |
Cutting the Deficit | Did It | Talks About it |
Job Creation | 10 Million | Talks About It |
Cutting Big Government | Did It | Talks about it |
Raised Gas Taxes | 4.3 Cents | 10.1 Cents |
Right to Choose Abortion | For | Against |
Late Abortion Ban - Protecting Mother | For | Against |
Late Abortion Ban - No Protection | Against | For |
Abortion Gag Rule | Against | For |
Solution to Teen Pregnancy | Education | Abstinence |
Attends Church | Yes | No |
Public Funding of Private Schools | Against | For |
Family Medical Leave | For | Against |
Medicare | For | Against |
Medicaid | For | Against |
Social Security | For | Against |
Education | For | Against |
Gay Marriage | Against | Against |
Earned Income Tax Credit | For | Against |
Student Loan Program | For | Against |
Tax Credit for College | For | Against |
Head Start Program | For | Against |
Child Support Enforcement | For | Against |
Americorps | For | Against |
Goals 2000 | For | Against |
School to Work Program | For | Against |
Tax Credit to Adopt | For | Against |
Tax Credit for Vocational Education | For | Against |
Immunize Children form Disease | For | Against |
Federal Funding for Medical Research | For | Against |
Welfare Reform | For | For |
Gun Ownership Protection | For | For |
Assault Weapons Ban | For | Against |
Background Check to Detect Felons | For | Against |
Waiting Period to by Handgun | For | Against |
Brady Bill | For | Against |
Star Wars | Against | For |
100,000 New Police | Did It | Against |
Protecting Veterans Benefits | For | Against |
Restoring Democracy to Haiti | For | Against |
Vietnam War | End the War | Keep Fighting |
Gays in the Military | For | Against |
Military Service | Commander in Chief | WWII Veteran |
Protecting the Environment | For | Against |
Forest Protection | For | Against |
Endangered Species | For | Against |
Clean Water | For | Against |
Government Meat Inspection | For | Against |
FDA Regulation of Tobacco | For | Against |
Disclose Toxic Chemical Releases | For | Against |
Limit Product Liability Awards | Against | For |
Term Limits | Against | For |
Federal Election Spending Limits | Complies | Ignores |
Restrict Tobacco Advertising to Children | For | Against |
Tobacco is Addictive | Yes | Doesn't Know |
Smoking worse than Drinking Milk | Yes | Maybe |
Reopen street in front of Whitehouse | No | Yes |
Liked Movie "Independence Day" | Yes | Yes |
Liked Movie "Striptease" | Yes | No |
Biggest Supporters | Unions/Lawyers | Alcohol/Tobacco |
Corporate Welfare | Against | For |
Campaign Finance Reform | For | Against |
Affirmative Action | For | Against |
Smoked Pot | Yes | No |
Legalize Drugs | Against | Against |
Decriminalize Drugs | Against | Against |
Eliminate Dept of Education | Against | For |
Eliminate Commerce Dept | Against | For |
Eliminate HUD | Against | For |
Eliminate Dept of Energy | Against | For |
Medical Savings Accounts | Against | For |
Death Penalty | For | For |
"V" Chip | For | Against |
United Nations | For | Against |
Eliminate VA Hospitals | Against | For |
Cut Veteran Programs | Against | For |
Divert Tax Money to Churches | Against | For |
Economic Policy | Trickle Up | Trickle Down |
School Lunch Program | For | Against |
Pet | Cat | Dog |
Wife's Profession | Attorney | Attorney |
Role of First Lady | Strong | None |