Being a Republican isn't just joining a party, it's a point of view. And
when you look at the issues Republicans stand for and then compare our
elected officials to our beliefs, President Clinton is the one who is
delivering what traditional Republicans are looking for. To me it's more
important what a candidate does and what he stands for than what party
label he runs under.
Gore 2000
- The Web's First Gore 2000 Site
Republicans for Gore
- Why Republicans should support Al Gore
What is a Republican and what do we believe in? A Republican is supposed to be for fiscal responsibility, small government, keeping the government out of people's private business, traditional family values, and a sense of basic morality. The government and the Republican Party are here to serve the people, not the other way around. The Republican Party is here to serve us, not for us to serve them. We are not here to be loyal to the party, but for the party to be loyal to us. It's not just about talking the talk, but you have to walk the walk. And when you look at President Clinton's Record, you'll see a record that would make any Republican proud.
I am tired of the right wing extremists and the Moonies trying to redefine
what a Republican is. Republicans are not moving away from the party.
The party is moving away from Republicans. My Republican views haven't
changed. I still support traditional Republican Values. But the
Republican party is turning into a bunch of self serving slobs who only
care about being elected and the power it brings.
I'm creating this page to put the Republican Party on notice that America comes first. We will no longer tolerate our party putting it's self interest ahead of the citizens of our country. We will no longer tolerate petty partisan political bickering. We are not stupid and we deeply resent what our party is doing and the direction the party is heading.
I stand in utter amazement at the antics of the Republican Party. I can't believe it when I hear that Republicans are angry because Clinton fixed the economy. How can Republicans be angry at a good economy regardless of who did it? How can Republicans be angry because Clinton balanced the federal budget for the first time in 30 years and cut the deficit to zero? How can Republicans be angry because Clinton has cut the size of government? These are things that Republicans are for, and if a Democrat did it, then in my view that Democrat is a good Republican!
It really pisses me off when Bob Dole sits on a health care bill that
both parties want to pass and he won't let come to the floor because Bob
Dole doesn't want to do anything that Clinton might get credit for. Now
Bob Dole wants to poison the bill that passed unanamously in the Senate
so that Clinton won't sign it and Dole can blame Clinton. Who the hell is Bob Dole to screw
over America because of who looks good? This pisses me off!
Then there's the budget crisis. This budget should have been done by October 1st of 1995 and here it is 1996 and for the first time in history, the is no federal budget until April. The 1997 budget is supposed to be done by October 1st of this year and how are we going to get it done when we're 7 months late on this year's budget? And somehow we're suppose to convince the country it's Clinton fault - how the hell are we going to do that? It's insulting that the Republican Party thinks we're that stupid.
I'm tired of the right wing extremists defining the Republican Party as a bigoted hateful intolerant party. That is not what the Republican Party stands for. Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchannan, Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, Sun Myung Moon, and Olie North do not represent the soul of the Republican Party. These are the people who have stolen the party from us. I want to make it clear to our party leaders that it is you who have left us Republican voters, and not us voters leaving you. We Republicans will not be defined by these extremists.
The Republican party is about limited government. That is, heeping the government out of things they shouldn't be in. Clearly any conservative can see that freedom of religion is central to our beliefs. And freedom of religion includes freedom from religion. To not have the religous beliefs of others thrust upon us. I do not want to live under the moral thumb of right wing Bible Thumpers, the Moonies, nor left wing New Age freaks. You can believe what you want, but get it out of my face and my government.
As a non-smoker who realizes that nicotine is an addictive drug that kills 400,000 people a year, I resent that our party leaders have chosen to take up the cause to defend the interests of the Tobacco Industry to market their poison to turn the children of America into drug addicts! In my view, there is no moral difference between R. J. Reynolds and the cocaine cartels of Columbia. And if there is any substance at all to our claim that Republicans are the party of family values, certainly we should be on the opposite side of the Tobacco Industry and not it's friend. The Republican Party is the party of the people and not the party of big tobacco!
Hailey Barbor, former chairman of the Republican party is a tobacco
lawyer who soul is wholy owned by big tobacco. Hailey has been
pressuring Republicans in state government to back down on legislation
that would help protect Teenagers from smoking. Our
Republican leadership is fighting the efforts of Republicans who are
trying to do the right thing.
Bob Dole is so sold out to the tobacco lobby that he questions if tobacco is addictive. Then he attacks C. Everret Koop, the finest Sergeon General America has ever had as being brainwashed but the liberal media. And Bob Dole lost his brother to lung cancer from smoking! There's family values for ya.
What's going on with the Republicans wanting an FBI investigation into
Salon Magazine breaking
the Henry Hyde affair. I certianly think it's relevant that Mr. Morals
who is investigating the President for having attempted sex with Monica
Lewinsky, had a 5 year affair with a married woman and broke up he
family. I suppose it takes one to know one? Someone might argue it makes
Hyde more qualified. That someone wouldn't be me. Now the Republicans
want to prosecute the press? What the hell is going on here?
I'm beginning to feel like the only sane person left on the planet. I wake up in the morning to a world that is stranger that what I was dreaming, and I've been having nightmares lately. It's like some alien culture came down to America and inserted a mind control device in everyone except me and I'm the last normal person left. I'm somehow supposed to accept that we are going to start an FBI investigation for running a news story about an affair that actually did occur? Surely I'm not the only one who is outraged by this?
Monica Lewinsky, a private citizen, was forced to testify in front of the "secret" grand jury against her will. She was compelled to speak under threat of contempt of court and jail. Susan McDougal is an example of what happens if you don't comply. Kenneth Starr made it clear to Monica that if she didn't comply that he was going to go after her family, which he did when he dragged her mother in front of the grand jury. She was forced to testify fully and truthfully under threat of prosecution for perjury about intimate sex act that she performed with her lover, President Clinton, who she probably still cares about.
Her "secret" testimony was then delivered to Congress who then put it
out unedited on the Internet so that the whole world can know how she
gives head. I was so outraged by this that I filed a Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit against
the United States House of Representatives to stop it. And
because the government posted this X-rated material, hundreds of
newspapers printed it and delivered it to the homes of Christian
families where their Christian children can read it. All this in the
context of "Whitewater" which was a land deal that occurred in Arkansas
when Monica Lewinsky was 4 years old. And Judge Russel Clark ruled that this is
legal. Am I the only one who has a problem with this?
If they can do it to Monica Lewinsky and the President of the United States, they can do it to me or you! |
Czech President Vaclav Havel, one of the moral beacons of Eastern Europe's liberation from Communism, expressed concern in his recent visit to America about American justice by agreeing with Czech commentators who compare Kenneth Starr's investigation to tactics used by the former Czechoslovak communist secret police. These secret police would dig deeply into political dissidents' private lives under the guise of national security and the public interest. Havel had been one of their main targets. I contend that we have a moral imperative and a sacred duty to the Constitution to take whatever steps necessary to ensure that Vaclav Havel is wrong in his comparison of the Independent Counsel and the Communist secret police.
So much for the party of "family values". So much for the moral high ground. The Republican party is so desparate to gain control that they are forcing porn into your homes. Public media should not contain explicit or implied descriptions of sex acts. Our society should be purged of the perverts who provide the media with pornographic material while pretending it has some redeeming social value under the public's right to know. Pornography is pornography, regardless of the source.
The People to Congress - Take your porn off the government web site! We don't want porn delivered to our homes in the newspaper! |
Does Congress no longer respect the will of the People? Are the People no longer in control? Is this the end of Democracy as we know it? |
Elections are the core of a democratic society. In fact the two elements that I consider the test of a true democratic society are free and honest elections, and a judicial system with high standards of integrity and the will to enforce its own rules. I contend that these releases of X-rated material have everything to do with influencing the elections and undoing the will of the voters in the 1996 presidential election, and nothing to do with an impeachment process.
First of all the Independent Counsel is prohibited from representing the government and representing clients who have an interest in the outcome of the investigation at the same time. Mr. Starr and his firm represent tobacco interests that are fighting 500 billion dollars worth of taxes and contribute more money to the Republican Party than any other Republican donor. Richard Mellon Scaife, who is a very active political enemy of the President, has offered and funded for Mr. Starr a job at Pepperdine University paying one million dollars a year. Mr. Scaife has funded directly and/or indirectly the civil lawsuit by Paula Jones against the President. Mr. Starr assisted Ms. Jones in her civil case. And there is an investigation to determine if money was paid to David Hale to testify against Susan McDougal ultimately came from Mr. Scaife. My point in this is that there is an appearance of a conflict of interest where a reasonable person might question the impartiality of the Independent Counsel.
I would assume that an impeachment process is required to be fair an impartial. Certainly the Congress is at least required to fake the appearance of fairness and impartiality in such an important process. For the Congress to publish a one sided report, with graphic sexual content, without giving the President any opportunity to review it and respond does not meet the test of even faking a fair process and therefore can not be characterized as being a part of an official impeachment process. I contend that on the face of the record that it is not part of an impeachment process, and that it is in fact an attempt to undermine the 1996 presidential election as well as the 1998 congressional elections which includes my election. I would also point out that in releasing this report, and the video tape that is today being transmitted, that Congress has broken the pornography laws of all 50 sovereign states. When the Congress publishes a one sided pornographic document in violation of th e law, and denies the President due process, such an act can not be characterized as being part of an official impeachment process and can only be characterized as election tampering.
In 1992 Clinton beat Bush by a bigger margin than Reagan beat Carter in 1980. In 1996 Clinton beat Dole by a bigger margin yet. Clinton won the election. Get used to it. Here in America we have elections where the people vote and choose who the president will be. The people chose Clinton twice.
Republicans can't seem to respect the will of the voters. The right wing thinks that it's OK to try to harrass the President and attack him personally through right wing publications like The Washington Times and to abuse the special prosecutor and create a witch hunt.
What ever happened to democracy in this country. If we Republicans want to win the presidency, maybe we should field a good candidate and write a good platform, accomplish something, and run on the strength of our ticket. When the Republican party has to stoop to dirty politics to win an election, we are admitting through conduct that we can't win an election based on the merits of our candidates and our positions.
What really disturbs me is the influence and control of the Republican
Party by the Moonies. There really is a Right Wing Media Conspiracy
and the Moonies are behind
it. The Moonies own the Washington
Times and Moon has spent over a Billion Dollars to influence the
press and to buy elections of Republican candidates who will do Moon's
The Moonies are a dangerous mind control cult and they have no place controlling the Republican Party. I find it very disturbing that George Bush would take $100,000 to endorse Moon's new South American newspaper and help spread the influence of the Moonie cause. How does it make us Republicans look when our former president is selling out to the moonies? I sure as hell don't want to become a mind slave to Reverend Sun Myung Moon and I damn sure am going to stand against the moonies attempt to control the Press, the Christian Coalition, and the Republican Party.
We Republicans used to be the party of law and order, but not any more. The NRA now holds the lease on our party's future. It was President Clinton who, at great personal and political costs, stood up to the gun lobby on behalf of Americans and Law enforcement, and passed the Brady Law. I also want to thank the 1/4th of our party, including President Reagan and President Bush who stood with President Clinton to make this bill law. Bob Dole, who's soul is owned by the NRA lead a filibuster to stop this bill and was eventually defeated. Bob Dole does not have what it takes to be the leader of the free world.
I watched the Waco hearings and was shocked to see Republicans supporting David Koresh. This is a guy who was raping 10 year old girls and it doesn't look like we're in tune with "Family Values" to be siding with Koresh. Granted that the FBI screwed up, but Koresh was the one who set the building on fire and murdered those 80 people. And we Republicans should not be siding with those who rape and murder because the NRA gives Republicans money to do so.
Ross Perot is right when he criticizes the Republican party for dirty politics. We are the ones who are the leaders in dirt. We set the standard. Our party nominee, Bob Dole is the undisputed leader of election fraud having paid a record $100,000 fine for cheating in the 1988 elections. Now Bob Dole is again caught in a money laundering scheme with a sporting good company. Are we to be known as the party that has to cheat to win? Is that the image that Republicans want to identify with? Not the way I see it.
All Republicans say they are against deficit spending. Talk is cheap. When President Reagan took office the national debt was 1 trillion dollars. After 12 years of Republican rule the debt grew to 4 trillion and the deficit kept rising in spite of "Read my Lips" tax hikes. The economy was in a triple dip recession. Then came President Clinton who turned the economy around, cut the deficit in half, created jobs, and cut government. Government grew under Reagan and Bush. It shrank under Clinton. The results speak for themselves.
Now we have a Congress who can't even pass a budget that Republicans can agree on let alone one that would actually work. And Republicans are taking credit for talking about balancing the budget? OK, Republicans talk about it more, but look who's actually doing something about it. Talk is cheap. You're not going to get a balanced budget by giving a big tax cut to the rich.
I'm just tired of hearing Republicans talk about the debt that we are going to leave "our children and our grandchildren" while they continue to gut education, head start, Medicaid, and funding for college loans. It's just bullshit! It's just a slogan. You people don't give a damn about anything but a tax cut for the rich, who don't need it. I'd like to have a tax cut someday too, but lets balance the budget first. You can't do both.
Bob Dole uesd to tell this joke. The good news is a bus load of supply siders went over a cliff, the bad news is that three seats were empty. Over the years Bob Dole used to ridicule the kind of person he's become. So what caused Bob Dole to change his mind to now endorse huge tax cuts for the rich? Unlike what the media will tell you but obvious to anyone who thinks about it, Bob Dole didn't change his mind. Bob Dole is lying to you!
This is the kind of "Read my Lips" lie that is so obvious that it insults the intelligence of voters and makes the Republican party look like a bunch of stupid liars. If anyone actually thinks that they really are going to get a 15% tax cut if Dole becomes president, well, I have some swamp land in Kansas I want to sell you.
There are a lot of Republican Party posers who say they're pro-life who really aren't. They make a big deal about "partial birth abortions" yet pass up opportunities to actually do something about it. President Clinton has said he would pass a ban on partial birth abortions if it had an exception for the life and health of the mother. That way a woman who is in a car accident can get an abortion if she and the baby are seriously injured, but she might not actually die from it. Clinton signed a law like that when he was governor of Arkansas.
Republican leaders are yelling, Bill Clinton is stealing our issues!
Well what does that mean and what makes an issue a Republican issue?
First of all, what's so bad about that? If Clinton does the right thing for America, who cares who's issue it is. On any issue that Clinton passed with the help of Republicans, Clinton is always gracious enough to share the glory with all who helped them. He will always say that the Republicans deserve credit for helping to do what's right and he encourages them to do more things right and share the credit in the future. Why can't the Republicans thank President Clinton for doing the right thing rather than being petty and childish about it?
Republicans have talked for years about the issues that Clinton is accomplishing. So who owns the issue, the party that talks about it, or the party that makes it happen. I give credit to the party that makes it happen.
The Republican Party needs to wake up to reality and realize that there are a lot of Americans like myself that base their decisions on what politicians do, and not what politicians say. And it's time for the Republicans to do something usefull and quite whining about who gets the credit.
There have been many Republican defections lately. William Krystol and Bill Bennet are saying Bob Dole is going to lose and are concerned that Bob Dole will suck the party down with him. The Republican mayor of New York is about to endorse Clinton for President. Quite frankly, I hope Dole does suck the party down with him. The Republicans have been bad boys and need to be punished. I think a good pruning back might wake the party up and give up being extremist radicals and get back to traditional Republican Values. The kind of party that would make Abaraham Lincoln proud.
If we vote for Republicans we're going to lose the Republican Party to Newt Grigrich, Rush Limbaugh, Ralph Reed, Olie North, and Jerry Falwell. And to me, these people do not represent what I call the Republican Party. Bob Dole can not beat Bill Clinton. We should clean up the Republican Party this year so that we can come back stronger in the future and win elections when we have earned the trust and respect of the American people.